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Soot part 3. disposal, carriage and bagging up. In the previous two parts of this series we spoke about the dangers of soot, PPE, cleaning and many other things. In today’s article we will speak briefly about, storage, removal, carriage and disposal of the black stuff. Professional chimney sweeps are generally a conscientious bunch and […]

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Technical Update: Soot (Part 2) Welcome to part two of our three part article on soot. In this blog we talk about different types of soot, fuel types and cleaning methods. Chimney sweeps generally classify soot by the fuel type that it was formed by when it was combusted. There are a few general rules; […]

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Adding Google Analytics to your website How do you like loosing business and money? Not nice, right? When a huge chunk of visitors to your website give up on it within seconds or don’t like what they see and move away from it, this is exactly what is happening. You are loosing a potential client […]

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Technical update number 4. Soot (part one) What is soot? We all know it’s a black powder but few know what constituents make up the compound that we clean daily from the chimneys that we work on. Soot is a by-product of the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. It is black because it contains carbon particles […]