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As the winter chill sets in and the festive season approaches, there’s nothing more inviting and comforting than the warmth of a roaring fire. However, the key to a safe and efficient fireplace lies in the maintenance of your chimney. This is where the expertise of a chimney sweep comes in. But not just any […]

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What on Earth have wood burning stoves got to do with the corona virus you might ask? I’m not talking zombie apocalypse tin hat type stuff, rather a scenario where the utilities were shut down for a few days or maybe a week. Well, with the onset of the corona virus, I have been like […]

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Sweep safe fully endorse the government ban on heavy polluting fuels. None of us like to hear the word ‘ban’ but, there is a genuine problem where significant numbers of solid fuel users are either burning wet wood or indeed burning house coal. There is statistical evidence and substantial data evidencing that these practices pollute […]

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Soot part 3. disposal, carriage and bagging up. In the previous two parts of this series we spoke about the dangers of soot, PPE, cleaning and many other things. In today’s article we will speak briefly about, storage, removal, carriage and disposal of the black stuff. Professional chimney sweeps are generally a conscientious bunch and […]

Posted by & filed under Chimney Sweeping tips.

Hello my name is Daniel Hodgson I would like to welcome you to todays educational blog Nowadays with the absence of a physical office or building your website home page is your shop window. In the west end of London and New York, a vast fortune is spent every year dressing shop windows in readiness […]