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  Introduction: Welcome, dear readers, to an exploration of the unique and often overlooked profession of chimney sweeping. This blog will take you through an exciting journey, drawing parallels between the artistry of renowned artists like Banksy and Van Gogh, and the delicate art of chimney sweeping. We’ll also touch upon the importance of health […]

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Introduction: Greetings, dear readers! Today, we embark on a hilarious journey to uncover the untold secrets of romance hidden within the world of chimney sweeps. Prepare to have your hearts swept away as we explore why these soot-covered individuals might just be the ultimate lovers. Let’s dive into this whimsical world of love and chimneys! […]

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So, you read the title and you thinking that chimney sweeps are a jolly bunch and bad news is not part of the job description, right? Wrong! The number one job a chimney sweep must perform is safety. Our jobs day to day involve us looking for and assessing the safety of installations, appliances, chimneys […]

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Hello fellow wood burning friends, chimney sweeps and industry professional’s. Today I will discuss 7 sure fire methods to determine if our seasoned hard wood is ready to burn. these methods should be used holistically, each method is useful but when combined together you will have great results. It is well established that the moisture […]

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  If you use an open fire or stove, it’s important to know how to burn better.​ When using poor quality fuels, such as wet wood or house coal, tiny harmful particles present in smoke are released into the air, which could damage your health and the health of those around you. ​ The good news is a few small changes to the way […]

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    A chimney sweeps job involves proximity and close contact with several new or different customers each day. Some of these people will either have the covid virus, will be elderly or infirm and could be at increased risk from the infection. It is our job as professionals to: 1, Safeguard ourselves and families2, […]

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What on Earth have wood burning stoves got to do with the corona virus you might ask? I’m not talking zombie apocalypse tin hat type stuff, rather a scenario where the utilities were shut down for a few days or maybe a week. Well, with the onset of the corona virus, I have been like […]

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Sweep safe fully endorse the government ban on heavy polluting fuels. None of us like to hear the word ‘ban’ but, there is a genuine problem where significant numbers of solid fuel users are either burning wet wood or indeed burning house coal. There is statistical evidence and substantial data evidencing that these practices pollute […]

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What are Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons? PAHs Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are groups of organic chemical compounds formed from the combustion or decay process of Hydrocarbon fuel (wood, coal peat etc). There are over 100 known PAHs. Some occur naturally and are even thought by some to be an intrinsic  factor in the beginning of all life […]